Lockpoint Server 3.0 Release Notes

This page is for Lockpoint Server/Data Center. Looking for Lockpoint Cloud? See the relevant documentation.



Compatibility with Confluence 8.5.9+

May 14, 2024


  • This release introduces compatibility with Confluence 8.5.9 and higher within the 8.5.x LTS release series.

Changes to Lockpoint 1.x Upgrade Path

  • Reminder from Lockpoint 3.0.7: Removed support for direct migration from Lockpoint v1.x (last released in 2019). To migrate a system using Lockpoint 1.x, you must first upgrade to Lockpoint 2.x or 3.0.0-3.0.6 before attempting a further migration to Lockpoint 3.0.7+.


Fix for editor uploads in Confluence 8.5.7-8.5.x and 8.8.0+

March 21, 2024


  • Fixes a compatibility issue, applicable only to Confluence 8.5.7-8.5.x and Confluence 8.8.0+, in which uploading attachments in the Confluence editor via "+ → Insert Link → Files" would result in an error. The visible symptoms are similar to the issue corrected in Lockpoint 3.0.8, but with a different underlying cause.

Changes to Lockpoint 1.x Upgrade Path

  • Reminder from Lockpoint 3.0.7: Removed support for direct migration from Lockpoint v1.x (last released in 2019). To migrate a system using Lockpoint 1.x, you must first upgrade to Lockpoint 2.x or 3.0.0-3.0.6 before attempting a further migration to Lockpoint 3.0.7+.


Fix for uploading attachments, improved error messages

March 6, 2024


  • Fixes an issue (introduced in Lockpoint 3.0.5) in which uploading attachments in the Confluence editor via "+ → Insert Link → Files" would result in an error.
  • Improved the generic error messages displayed in the editor when an attachment could not be uploaded due to it being locked by another user.

Changes to Lockpoint 1.x Upgrade Path

  • Reminder from Lockpoint 3.0.7: Removed support for direct migration from Lockpoint v1.x (last released in 2019). To migrate a system using Lockpoint 1.x, you must first upgrade to Lockpoint 2.x or 3.0.0-3.0.6 before attempting a further migration to Lockpoint 3.0.7+.


Confluence 8.8, bulk locking of attachments

February 15, 2024


  • This release introduces support for Confluence 8.8.
  • Lockpoint now permits multiple attachments to be locked or unlocked simultaneously from the Attachments page.
  • Lockpoint now performs better selection of email templates, in cases where an administrator configured an email template in a certain language (such as UK English), but a user is using a different variant of the same language (such as US English) that has not been configured.

End of Compatibility for Early Confluence and Gliffy Versions

  • Compatibility with Confluence versions 7.4 and below has been removed.
  • Compatibility with Gliffy versions 8.6.3 and below has been removed. In general, Gliffy <= 8.6.3 also does not support Confluence 7.5+.

Changes to Lockpoint 1.x Upgrade Path

  • Removed support for direct migration from Lockpoint v1.x (last released in 2019). To migrate a system using Lockpoint 1.x, you must first upgrade to Lockpoint 2.x or 3.0.0-3.0.6 before attempting a further migration to Lockpoint 3.0.7+.


Confluence 8.7 compatibility

December 5, 2023


  • This release introduces support for Confluence 8.7.


Confluence 8.5.4+ compatibility

December 5, 2023


  • This release introduces support for Confluence 8.5.4, which included a breaking API change compared to earlier Confluence 8.5.x releases.


Fix for Lockpoint pages sometimes showing "page not found" on Confluence 8.0+

November 13, 2023


  • Corrects a startup-related issue that sometimes prevented Lockpoint-specific pages from being accessible on Confluence 8.0+. This issue occurred randomly during plugin installation, and if it occurred, it resulted in Lockpoint-related pages (such as the Lockpoint Global Administrator page, locking/unlocking actions, and more) returning a "Page Not Found" error. In this scenario, the "lockpointXwork" module would be found disabled in the plugin configuration, and it would need to be manually re-enabled to ensure correct functionality.


Confluence 8.6 compatibility and Gliffy fix

Oct 6, 2023


  • Compatibility with Confluence 8.6


  • Corrects an additional problem that prevented the Gliffy full-page diagram viewer from opening correctly


Confluence 8.4 compatibility and component upgrades

Aug 2, 2023


  • Introduces full compatibility with Confluence 8.4+
  • Upgrades of front-end components for security and modernization


Maintenance release

December 14, 2022


  • Corrects an integration issue where the Gliffy full-screen diagram viewer would not load correctly.
  • Fixes an issue where messages such as "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Bundle is uninstalled" could be generated in Confluence logs after disabling or upgrading Lockpoint.


Major architectural upgrade, Confluence 8.0 support, and more

December 2, 2022

New Features

  • Compatibility with Confluence 8.0.
  • Support for Java 17.
  • The Space Attachments macro now displays the user's display name, rather than the username, when displaying a list of locks in a space.

Architectural Changes

  • This release includes a new back-end architecture, including numerous upgrades to various components for improved stability and performance.
  • This release also includes significant updates to Lockpoint's front-end architecture, bringing the server product's platform in line with Lockpoint Cloud.
  • This release includes a storage format change for the list of locked attachments and the space-level Lockpoint Administrator configuration:
    • Previously, Lockpoint attachment data and space permissions were stored using the Confluence Bandana storage mechanism. This release migrates all relevant data to the ActiveObjects storage mechanism.
    • Upon installing Lockpoint 3.0+, all legacy attachments locks and all lists of space-level Lockpoint Administrators will be automatically migrated to the new format during a one-time upgrade task.
    • On enterprise-scale systems with thousands of spaces, this upgrade task may take 2-3 minutes to run, potentially with an increase in CPU load. The Confluence system will remain functional during this time, but up-to-date lock information will not be visible to users until the task finishes running.
    • For this reason, if your Confluence site has more than a few hundred spaces, we recommend performing this upgrade during a scheduled maintenance window to ensure a consistent user experience.
    • Once this upgrade task has completed, all future locks, unlocks and updates to space-level configuration will be written exclusively to the new storage format.
    • Although it is still possible to roll back to Lockpoint 2.x after an upgrade to Lockpoint 3.x, any changes made after the 3.x upgrade (including locking and unlocking attachments) will be applied only to the new storage format. If you roll back to Lockpoint 2.x, changes made by users after the 3.0 upgrade will not be reflected in the lock status after a rollback.
    • If you perform a rollback to Lockpoint 2.x after the upgrade, and you then wish to re-upgrade to Lockpoint 3.x at a later date, you will need to force Lockpoint to re-migrate the legacy attachment storage data. Please contact Cenote Support for instructions to force the migration task to run a second time.


  • Internet Explorer is no longer supported in this release.
  • The Russian language translation is no longer supplied with this release.
  • Confluence 7.5+ is fully supported by this release.
  • Confluence 7.0 - 7.4 are also supported by this release, with the exception of Internet Explorer 11 not being supported (even though it is supported by the underlying version of Confluence).
  • Confluence 6.x and below is no longer supported in this release.


  • Fixes an issue when installing on Confluence 7.x, where Confluence would display the following message immediately after installation: "This app might be functional, but one or more modules is missing dependencies". This message was benign, but this release corrects the message display.
  • If a Confluence site has been patched to hide the Confluence version number from users (following Atlassian's standard instructions), the media previewer would not initialize correctly when the user attempts to view an attachment. This release corrects this behavior. The error message appearing in the user's browser would be similar to:

    Chrome: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getCurrentFile')
    FireFox: Uncaught TypeError: this.mediaViewer is undefined